HomeConversionTemperature ConverterFahrenheit to Celsius

Fahrenheit to Celsius (F to C) Converter


(0°F -32) x 5/9
= 0°C

C to F swap image

How to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius (F to C)

Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius (c to f), enter the value of Fahrenheit and it will be converted to Celsius. To convert Celsius to Fahrenheit click on C to F swap button or click here.

To convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, Minus 32 from Fahrenheit and then multiply the reuslt by 5/9.

(1°F -32) x 5/9 = -17.2222 °C


To convert 15 °F to °C:

(15°F -32) x 5/9 = -9.44444 °C